I will going to show you the constructions of an intermediate automation script using an automation software called AutoIt v3. This tutorial slightly explains how to automate the opening of Internet Explorer, automatically visit “Review First Posts” in a condition, and “Review Late Answers” in new tab and whatever review page(s) of Stack Overflow (all in new tab,) that you want to inject, and reload each one of those web browser's tab and Go to next tab if There are no items for you to review.
or An error has occurred.
and Go to next tab if the active IE's tab have the review page that you've already finished reviewing its 20 items, and more to make the reviewing of the review items of SO less repetitive!
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: Mkt on Net (Marketing on the Internet)
Link: http://mktonnet.blogspot.com/
Title: “No Review Items - Stack Overflow” Automation
Script Function:
Stack Overflow refreshing automation of no items on Review First Posts and Late Answers.
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <IE.au3>
Local $oIE = _IECreate("http://stackoverflow.com/users/login", 0, 0, 0, 1) ; IE OBJECT
Local $oLinks, $oAction = 0, $oString
While 1
If WinExists("Log In - Stack Overflow") Then
While 1
$oIE.Visible = 1
$oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE)
$oAction = "Logged"
For $oLink In $oLinks
_IEAttach($oIE, "instance", 1)
If @Error = 7 Then
MsgBox(0, "Macro Stopped", "The macro is automatically exit from running.")
$oString = StringRegExp($oLink.href, "http://stackoverflow.com/users/login")
If $oString = 1 AND NOT WinExists("Log In - Stack Overflow") Then
$oAction = "Redirect"
If $oAction = "Redirect" Then
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://stackoverflow.com/users/login")
MsgBox(0, "Plese Login", "Please, click the logo to log in with it.")
ElseIf $oAction = "Logged" And WinExists("Stack Overflow") Then
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts")
ExitLoop 2
ElseIf WinExists("Add Login - Stack Overflow") Then
$oIE.Visible = 1
MsgBox(0, "Already Logged In", "You are already logged in.")
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts")
If @Error = $_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType Then
MsgBox(0, "Macro Exited", "The macro is automatically stop running.")
ElseIf WinExists("This page can't be displayed") Then
$oIE.Visible = 1
MsgBox(0, "The page can't be displayed", "The page with the address of http://stackoverflow.com/users/login can't be displayed.")
MsgBox(0, "Script Stopped", "The macro will stop running.")
While 1
If WinExists("Review First Posts - Stack Overflow") Then
ElseIf WinExists("This page can't be displayed") Then
MsgBox(0, "The page can't be displayed", "The page with the address of http://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts can't be displayed.")
MsgBox(0, "Macro Stopped", "The script will stop running.")
Local $aTitle, $location
$aTitle = WinGetTitle("[active]")
__IENavigate($oIE, "http://stackoverflow.com/review/late-answers", 0, 0x800)
WinWait("Review Late Answers - Stack Overflow")
$location = StringInStr($aTitle, "Review First Posts - Stack Overflow")
If $location == 0 Then
Local $i, $oTabs[1] ; IE GET TABS variables
Local $aTab, $aText, $wActivate, $o = 0
While 1
_IEAttach($oIE, "instance", 1)
If @Error = 7 Then
MsgBox(0, "Script Exited", "The automation script is automatically stop running.")
; #IE GET TABS# =================================================================================================================
$i = 1
While 1
$oTabs[$i - 1] = _IEAttach($oIE, "instance", $i)
If @Error = $_IEStatus_NoMatch Then
$i -= 1
If $i < 1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Script Stopped", "The automation script is automatically exit from running.")
ExitLoop 2
ReDim $oTabs[$i]
$i += 1
ReDim $oTabs[$i]
; ===============================================================================================================================
$aTab = _IEGetActiveTab()
$aText = _IEBodyReadText($aTab)
If @Error = 3 Then
$location = 0
$location = StringInStr($aText, "There are no items for you to review.")
$location += StringInStr($aText, "Please try again.")
$location += StringInStr($aText, "Thank you for reviewing")
If $location > 0 AND UBound($oTabs) > 1 Then
$aTitle = WinGetTitle("[active]")
$location = StringInStr($aTitle, "Review")
ControlSend(_IEGetActiveTitle(), "", "", "^{TAB}")
If $location == 0 Then
$wActivate = WinActivate($aTitle)
If $o = $i OR $o > $i Then
$o = 0
$aText = _IEBodyReadText($oTabs[$o])
If @Error = 3 Then
$location = StringInStr($aText, "There are no items for you to review.")
$location += StringInStr($aText, "Please try again.")
If $location > 0 Then
$o += 1
$o += 1
; #FUNCTIONS# ===================================================================================================================
Func _IEGetActiveTitle()
Local $iIE, $hwnd, $title
_IELoadWait($oTabs[0]) ; IE GET TABS' 1st tab object included
$iIE = _IEAttach($oIE, "instance", 1) ; IE OBJECT included
If @Error = $_IEStatus_Success Then
$hwnd = _IEPropertyGet($iIE, "hwnd")
$title = WinGetTitle($hwnd) ; get window title
Return $title
Func _IEGetActiveTab()
Local $title, $tIE
$title = _IEGetActiveTitle() ; includes _IEGetActiveTitle()
$tIE = _IEAttach($title, "windowtitle")
Return $tIE
; ===============================================================================================================================
These are the meanings of the macros' sections therein the automation script:
is the abbreviation for#comments-start
, and#ce
is for#comments-end
. The entire section of those keywords is commented out.- We
#include <IE.au3>
a pre-written file with many user-functions, in our script. _IECreate
a hidden Internet Explorer browser window that's navigate to http://stackoverflow.com/users/login which returns immediately.- Create or declare variables that will going to use by our script.
- Write a repetitive loop
our IE web page is still loading:If
the title of the page isLog In - Stack Overflow
, you will be in another loop, and set the hidden IE browser window visible.If
you're not logged in and have linked to the other page of Stack Overflow, you will be redirected back to http://stackoverflow.com/users/login again and leaving you a message.ElseIf
you've logged in, you the user will be redirected to http://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts and you willExitLoop 2
the page have a title ofAdd Login - Stack Overflow
, means that you're already logged. Set the hidden IE to be visible, and redirected the user to http://stackoverflow.com/review/first-posts- If
has occurred, display some informal message andExit
the script. (Note: Our script has a lot of filters if an error has occured. In fact: There's a previous error filter that I haven't mentioned.)
- If
the title becomeThis page can't be displayed
, make the hidden IE visible and output some details, andExit
the script.
- Another
While 1
the titleReview First Posts - Stack Overflow
the titleThis page can't be displayed
our specific IE object andExit
- Create and declare another variables, and get the title of the active window.
- Create a new IE tab that's navigate to http://stackoverflow.com/review/late-answers and
the titleReview Late Answers - Stack Overflow
before the script continue running. If
the title of the previous active window didn't have the wordsReview First Posts - Stack Overflow
, thenWinActivate
that window.- Create or declare another variables for the following macro lines.
- Create a
While 1
loop, and pause the script execution in 12 seconds.If
to the specified instance fail, display some info, andExit
the script.- IE GET TABS or store each object variable of every IE tab on an array.
- Get the object of the active tab of our IE, and get the text inside the
tag of the document of this object.If
Invalid Data Type, assign 0 to the variable$location
.- Or
, check if the variable$location
containsThere are no items for you to review.
orPlease try again.
orThank you for reviewing
- If the string contains a given substring and if the size of the
array dimensions is greater than 1, checks the title of our active window if it containsReview
word, and sends Ctrl + Tab to the active IE tab whether it's focused or not.- If the title doesn't contains a given substring, gives focus to the window with this title after sending keystrokes directly to our IE tab's window.
- If the variable
is equal or grater than to the variable$i
then assign 0 to the variable$o
. - Read the body text of the IE tab's document of the specific dimension of the dynamic array
Invalid Data Type, thenExit
the script.- Or
, check if the body text containsThere are no items for you to review.
orPlease try again.
the body text contains a given substring, refresh the IE tab's document of the specific dimension of the dynamic array$oTabs
and add 1 to the variable$o
.- Or
, just add 1 to the variable$o
- Create a function _IEGetActiveTitle() that will get the title of the active IE tab whether it's activated or not.
- Create a function called _IEGetActiveTab() that will get the object of the active IE tab.
This macro is too advance for a beginner. I spend days by writing and testing it. But of course, you can use an automation software just like what I did, and create an easy script that is much easier than this macro.
This intermediate script can sell worth 8$ USD, but Mkt on Net do not sell it for your sake, nor permit you to sell it to anyone. If you want to help some reviewers of Stack Overflow (like what I did,) to make their task less repetitive, just refer this blog. Thank you!
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